
Advantages of spring

Release time:2023-08-31 18:49



Advantage 1: Comparison of wiring time between cage spring clamping and screw clamping:

Through comparison of on-site wiring by workers and timing surveys by most customers, it has been confirmed that using manual wiring as an example, screw terminals take 75% more time than cage spring clamp terminals. In many examples, the preparation work of wires, such as compressing the wire ends, connecting cold pressed joints or tin plating, can be omitted, which can save more time. Even using an electric screwdriver for operation, cage spring clamping still has the advantage of saving time.

Advantage 2: Differences in operation between cage spring clamping and screw clamping

The screw connection "depends on the operator", in other words, regarding the tightness of the screw, the operator's judgment is required. This may be somewhat controlled by training personnel or factory settings for specific torque screwdrivers. When wiring on site, it is more difficult to ensure appropriate screw tightness.

The automatic clamping feature of the cage spring allows inexperienced operators to complete * * connections. Whoever operates can complete * * and consistent wiring. And its tool is just a standard screwdriver, and the wiring terminals of the cage spring have three forms: front wiring, side wiring, and inclined wiring.

Advantage 3: Advantages of Cage Spring Wiring

The deformation of the spring is limited to a stop on the upper surface of the cage and the insulation material of the shell to prevent excessive deformation of the spring. This prevents even inexperienced operators from causing damage to the spring.

Advantage 4: Retaining force of cage spring

Most testing institutions require low retention force on wires for screw and screwless wiring terminals. The measured pull-out value for cage spring clamping is consistent with and in most cases far exceeds the value specified in the national standard.

Advantage 5: Cost performance of cage springs


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